Doppelgänger is a short horror film directed by Cole McCormack. The story follows a woman (Layla Nowak) who sees what appears to be a horrific and distorted double of herself. Alone in her home, she is tormented by this strange supernatural being.
Director/Editor: Cole McCormack
Additional Crew Help: Alana Price
Inspired by the works of Sarah Schwartz
Layla Nowak as Woman & Doppelgänger
Camera: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K
Lens: LUMIX 25mm, Meike 12mm f/2.8 Ultra Wide Angle Lens
Microphone: Zoom H4N
Tripod: MACTREM Papuma PT55
Video Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro 2021
Step behind the scenes of the chilling psychological horror short film, "Doppelganger," as we unravel the eerie atmosphere and creative process that brought this project to life. Join us on a journey from inception to completion, guided by the film's director and creator, who shares their inspiration, challenges, and artistic vision.